Tag Archives: Internet

Von der Schreibmaschine zum Netz von Kyrosch Alidusti

Der Gastbeitrag von Kyrosch Alidusti erschien ursprünglich hier auf seinem Blog Punkgebte.

Man kann nicht so tun, als sein das Internet und seine Verbreitung naturwüchsig erfolgt. Vielmehr stehen und standen dahinter zahlreiche politisch und wirtschaftlich motivierte Konzepte und Initiativen der unterschiedlichsten Akteure. Ob die Wirtschaft bzw. Cafe mit WLAN-Anschluss oder die EDV unterstützte Produktion, die Ökonomie ist längst online.

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Manuel Castells Space of autonomy written by Diana Crow

This is a reissue of an article written by the US science journalist Diana Crow. The article was originally published here on her blog dianacrowscience.com. The original title is: “Space of autonomy: between Twittersphere and urban spaces (Recap of a talk by Dr. Manuel Castells)”.

The Talk: The Space of Autonomy: Cyberspace and Urban Space in Networked Movements

In Plain English: One of the world’s most honored sociologists discusses the relationship between online social activism and grassroots protests in urban centers

The Speaker: Manuel Castells of University of Catalonia (UOC)’s Internet Interdisciplinary Institute and the University of Southern California. Manuel Castells is famous for his theory of the network society.

The Location: Harvard Graduate School of Design

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Zusammenfassung Bekedahl: Unser Blog soll schöner werden

Markus Bekedahls Blog netzpolitik.org ist mit rund 30 000 Klicks am Tag (vgl. Video) und einer aktuellen Platzierung auf Platz 5 der Deutschen Blog Charts (stand Juli 2013) einer der erfolgreichsten deutschsprachigen Bloggs. In der Rede, die er im Mai 2013 auf der re:rublica gehalten hatte, stellt Bekedahl einige Aspekt seiner Arbeit vor. Die Aspekte Entstehung, Personal, Organisationsform und Themen, werden an dieser Stelle zusammengefasst. Dem Aspekt der Refinanzierung des Blogs ist ein eigener Artikel gewidmet.
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The blogger as the intellectual of the network society

I publish here the first chapter of my current article “The blogger as the intellectual of the network society”. Dealing with the question, what comes after the old intellectuals of the times of the mass media will be vanished from the public sphere, the article starts with a journey to the reflections of the intellectual at the end of the twentieth centruy. The whole article will feature quotes about the position and the role of the intellectual in the network society, the changing of the mass audience to the segmented audience, a analyses of the work, the life and the blog of the Austrian journalist Robert Misk, dealing with the question if he is a “blogging intellectual”. The conclusion will feature three types of blogging intellectuals.

Still searching for a publishing house, every serios offer is welcome.

The blogger as the intellectual of the network society

Markus Bekendahl, an example of a blogging intellectual

 If we think of intellectuals names like Michel Foucault, Jean-Paul Sartre, Ulrich Beck, Jürgen Habermas, Noam Chompsky, Anthony Giddens or Slavoj Žižek emerge in our minds. The problem with these people is that some of them are dead and those who are not are old. For example the average age of the persons rated in the “2012 Cicero Ranking of the 500 most important German intellectuals” is 66. But a short view on the ranking of the “100 top global thinkers” published by the “Foreign Policy” magazine shows some younger people, so maybe this is only a German problem. Anyway, reason enough to ask the question what comes after these people who have vanished from the public sphere? The first approach to this question is to figure out what means to being an intellectual.

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Taksim ist überall! Überall ist Widerstand!

Michael Hardt und Antonio Negri sprechen in ihren Büchern von der geschichtsträchtigen Multitude, den Singularitäten (in etwa Individuen), die auf globaler Ebene gemeinsam Handel.
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Model of the network society (Manuel Castells 2000)

Some elements of my article “Die Grundlagen der Theorie der Netzwerkgesellschaft von Manuel Castells. Eine Erläuterung auf Basis der griechischen Finazkrise.” The article is ready and I´m searching for a scientific magazine which wants to publish it. Anybody who is interessted in the whole articel can send me an e-mail.

 I have posted here a summarising diagram of the theoretical basics of the network society by Manuel Castells. The article will feature although two diagrams which visualise Castells concept of a network and the change of a network by discharging a node. These two diagrams can help us to understand why it is important that we think proably about the current situation in greek. Unfourtunatly the article will be written in german, but all digrams are posted and shortly commented here in english.

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network castells

This chart shows the social structure of the network society. Analytically, but not in fact, the actor and the society can be seen as the two opponents in a chess game. Genrally: The task of the society is to build institutions with offers and constrains acting possibilities to the actor. These offers and constrains must be organised.

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